Use this screen to connect all available sources containing your audio files with this app. You can add the most popular cloud services, connect Mac or PC, import music from Apple Time Capsule or WD Cloud Mirror.
To connect a cloud service open the "Connect" tab → select "Connect a cloud service" menu item → select cloud service from the list → enter credentials and tap "Done". If you have some troubles please check your Internet connection and login/password. Currently, the app supports different services: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, MEGA, Yandex.Disk, Media Fire, PCloud, HiDrive. You can add an unlimited number of services in Premium version of the app.

We use only official SDK and secure connection to interact with connected cloud services. Your login and password are not available for the application. All requests from the application to the cloud service are encrypted.
When you enter login and password the application shows you the official authorization page that is provided by the cloud service provider and all authorization process is made outside the application. The cloud service provider sends an auth-token to the application after successful authorization and that token is used to make API calls.
Auth-token is a digital key that allows third-party applications to interact with cloud storage. Auth-token is stored on your device in secure system storage called Keychain. You can download your files from the connected cloud service to the device and those files will be placed in the app "Documents" directory. You can remove that files anytime using the built-in file manager.
The application does not share any information from the connected cloud account. You can revoke access to your cloud account anytime by opening the account settings page on your web browser.
To reject auth-token login to your account on the web browser and navigate to the settings page. There you can find all third-party apps which are connected to your cloud account and remove any of them if you don’t want to use that application anymore.
You can also disconnect the connected cloud accounts in the application and auth-token will be also removed from your device. If you remove the application from your device all downloaded data and access tokens will be also removed.
You can change or delete cloud service configuration by tapping on the "..." button near the service title and selecting the corresponding action (Rename/Settings/Disconnect).
You can also connect your computer or personal NAS using SMB or WebDAV protocol.
To connect a computer using SMB protocol tap "Connect a cloud service" → SMB. Enter computer IP address and shared folder name in URL field using format smb://computer-ip-address/shared-folder-name, enter login and password and tap "Done". If your connection is successful you will see connected storage in the "Cloud services" section.
A full tutorial about how to connect your MAC or PC using SMB is available here:
For WebDAV protocol, all steps are the same instead of the URL field. URL should be in format http://server-name or https://server-name if the server supports SSL.
Wi-Fi Drive is a popular technology that allows you to transfer files from your computer to an iOS device wirelessly using a desktop browser.
To use this feature your device and computer should be connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
Open "Connect" → "Wi-Fi Drive" and enable the server. After this open a desktop browser and enter the URL from the application. You can drag-n-drop files from your computer to the opened web page and they will appear on the device.

iTunes File Sharing is another technology that allows you to transfer files from computer to device using on your Mac and lightning cable. Just connect a device to the computer using a cable and run on your Mac. Open the "Locations" → "Your Connected Device" → "Files" → and find Evertag app. Tap on the app icon to see a shared folder. Copy files from the computer to the shared folder on the device.

If your personal NAS, Windows PC, Apple Mac, or Wi-Fi router with attached storage and your device with Evertag are connected to the same Wi-Fi network you can find them in "Local Network" → "Available devices section". You can connect external devices located in your local network with SMB, DLNA, WebDAV protocol.
If you have audio files on your iPhone/iPad/Mac and want to use them in Evertag app - open the "Connect" tab and scroll to the "External files" section. There you will see two options "Open files..." and "Open folder...". Use the first one to activate multiple files selection in the external files picker. Use the second one to activate folder selection in the external files picker. Selected files will be added to the tags editor.
Also If you have Apple Lightning Card Reader you can connect it and use the "External files" section to select files and import them to the Evertag app from the external flash drive.
Online files
You can use a built-in file manager to edit files located in the cloud storage. You can download files and folders, rename, move them, and so on. Once you start a download operation file will appear in the transfer queue. You can access the transfer manager in the "Local Files" tab. Tap spinning arrows in the top left corner to access the transfer manager queue. You can access all downloaded files and folders in the "Local Files" section.
When you open a folder tap "..." button in the top right corner to see all available actions for that folder.
"Select" - activate file selection mode.
"New folder" - create a new folder in the current folder.
"Upload files" - upload files from your device to the online folder.
"Search" - search files in the current folder.
"Sort" - sort files by name, size, date edited. Default sort mode means do not sort files and show files with the same sort mode as on the server.
"Grid"/"List" - change the view mode from table to thumbnails.

Editing online files
If you need to edit several files located on your cloud storage activate select mode by tapping on "..." button in the top right corner. After this, you will see checkboxes near every file. You can perform an action for a separate file or group of files. Select needed files by tapping on the checkbox.
Next actions available for the selected files:
"Edit audio tags" - download selected audio files from the storage to the "Local Files" and open the "Tags Editor" screen. Once you finished tags editing, modified files will be uploaded back to the cloud storage.
"Download" - download file or folder from the storage to the "Local Files" section.
"Move" - move file or folder to different folder on the cloud storage.
"Rename" - rename file or folder on the remote storage.
"Delete" - delete file or folder from the cloud storage. This action cannot be undone.
"Sort" - sort files by name, size, date edited.
"Grid"/"List" - change the view mode from table to thumbnails.
If there is not enough space to show all actions "More actions" button will appear. Tap on it to see all available actions.

File actions
For every file or folder in the cloud storage, there are several actions available and you can access them by tapping the more button "..." located near the file title. If you don’t see all actions please scroll down to make all items visible.
"Edit audio tags" - download selected audio file from the storage to the "Local Files" and open the "Tags Editor" screen. Once you finished tags editing, modified file will be uploaded back to the cloud storage.
"Download" - download file or folder to the device.
"Move" - move file or folder to the different folder on the cloud storage.
"Rename" - rename file or folder on the remote storage.
"Open in" - export file to another app. The file will be downloaded automatically to the device and then the Share dialog will appear.
"Delete" - delete file or folder from the storage. This action cannot be undone.